Abingdon Marina Residents Association Constitution 2022
1. Name The name of the Association is the Abingdon Marina Residents Association (referred to in the document as AMRA or Association)
2. Administration AMRA will be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by members of the Management Committee.
3. Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of AMRA are as follows: a) To provide a social forum for members in order to foster a community spirit of good neighbourliness and to deliver support and assistance to the community when required. b) To represent the collective views of members to local bodies and statutory authorities. c) To encourage and promote good environmental care.
4. Geographical Area Covering AMRA The geographical area covering AMRA comprises North Quay, South Quay, West Quay, Fisherman's Wharf, Heron Court, Marina Way and Lambrick Way (nos. 1 to 8).
5. Membership
a) Those persons who satisfy one of the following criteria are entitled to be members of AMRA
i. Anyone who lives in the geographical area described in Clause 4. above and who pays an annual membership fee
ii. Children (under 18) of members will be included at no additional charge.
iii. Friends of AMRA who wish join to the Association and whose membership is accepted by the AMRA Management Committee will pay a 'friends' membership fee (Friends of AMRA do not have voting rights)
iv. Honorary members
b) A member shall cease to be a member in the event of any of the following circumstances:
i. A member resigns in writing.
ii. A member moves out of the geographical area and does not wish to be a "friend of AMRA."
iii. A member has not renewed their membership fee.
iv. A member is removed from membership by a majority vote of the members attending a Special General Meeting, for conduct prejudicial to the Association, provided that any member to be so removed shall have the right to make representation to the meeting at which the decision is to be made.
6. Equal Opportunities AMRA will comply with all legislation in relation to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination
7. Management Committee
a) The business of AMRA will be carried out by the Management Committee comprising, ideally, not less than seven members elected at the Annual General Meeting. Up to two additional members may be co-opted to the Management Committee at any time, at the discretion of the Management Committee.
b) The Management Committee exists to serve the interests of AMRA members.
c) Groups can be formed from members of the Management Committee and other AMRA members if and when required with all actions by any such group to be reported back to the Management Committee for approval.
d) Any AMRA member is entitled to stand for election for any vacant post on the Management Committee. Voting will take place at the AGM.
e) Honorary Officers will have the following roles: (any one officer may have more than 1 role)
i. Chair - responsible for chairing the AGM, Special General Meeting, AMRA Management Committee meetings and all other actions of the AMRA Management Committee.
ii. Secretary - responsible for minute taking, distribution of all related papers and general administration.
iii. Membership Secretary - responsible for keeping records of membership numbers and payment of annual fees.
iv. Treasurer - responsible for maintaining account records, payment of bills and preparation of annual reports.
v. Communications Officer - responsible in consultation with the AMRA Chair for compiling and issuing of Newsletters and email notices.
vi. Social Secretary - responsible for organising social events, food and drinks, together with a group drawn from AMRA members.
vii. Any committee member may fulfil the role of Vice Chair.
f) Officers and Management Committee members can serve for up to 3 years when they must either retire from office or stand for re-election. A member of the AMRA Management Committee will cease to hold office if he or she:
i. fails to attend more than 3 consecutive meetings
ii. resigns in writing.
iii. ceases to be a member of AMRA.
7.1 Committee Meetings Meetings and procedures of the Management Committee will be as follows:
a) The Management Committee will meet as frequently as necessary, but at least quarterly.
b) The Chair will preside at all meetings but if absent the Vice-Chair will deputise. lf neither are present, those Management Committee members in attendance will chose one of those present to chair the meeting
c) No Management Committee meeting will take place unless there is a quorum of five members.
d) Minutes will be taken for all meetings and distributed in an expedient manner by the Secretary.
e) The Chair will call for a proposer and seconder followed by a show of hands, and all proposals will be decided on a consensus majority vote by the Management Committee members, except for the Chair. lf there is an equal number of votes on each side the Chair will have a casting vote.
f) The Management Committee may from time to time utilise voting by e-mail, subject to the agreement of the majority of committee members.
8 General Meetings
8.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM) An Annual General Meeting will be held each calendar year and each AGM will be held not more than fifteen months after the previous AGM. At least 21 days' notice will be given of the Agenda prior to the date of the AGM. The quorum for the AGM will be a minimum of 15 % of members, or 20 members, whichever is greater. The business of the AGM may include all or some the following:
a) Annual Report from the Chair
b) Annual Accounts Report from the Treasurer
c) Annual Report of Social Secretary
d) Annual Report of Communications Officer
e) Election of members of AMRA Management Committee
f) Election of Honorary Officers
g) Fixing of Annual membership subscriptions.
h) Other business notified prior to the AGM
8.2. Special General Meeting (SGM) An SGM may be initiated when 20% of the AMRA membership direct the Management Committee to convene SGM; the Management Committee will give the membership 21 days' notice of any SGM stating the time, date, venue and business to be conducted. In addition, the Management Committee itself may at any time call an SGM with the above condition. The SGM will be conducted as follows:
a) The AMRA Chair or Vice-Chair will preside or in their absence the meeting will choose a member to chair the SGM
b) Votes can only be cast by those attending the SGM.
c) Proposals will be voted by a show of hands and carried on a simple majority unless two or more members request a secret ballot.
d) Chair of Meeting will ensure that minutes of the SGM are taken.
e) No SGM may proceed unless there is a quorum of 15% of membership or a minimum 20 members, whichever is greater, present.
f) lf a quorum is not present thirty minutes after the appointed time the SGM will be adjourned to a time and place to be specified by the AMRA Management Committee.