2020 AGM Reports
Chair Report
Dear AMRA Members,
This year, as you already know, we have decided to conduct our AGM remotely.
It is an interesting concept to get our heads round. Basically we all entered the AGM virtual room with the call for nominations on the 11th November. The closing date for nominations was 25th Nov. Thank you to those who submitted nominations.
November 29th, today, is when all formal information needed for the AGM process is being sent out. This includes
The Chairman’s Annual Report
The Treasurer’s Draft Annual Profit and Loss Account for 2019-2020
The Treasurer’s Draft Summary of Income and Expenditure from 1st April 2020 to 10th December 2020
The AGM 2019 Draft Minutes.
Items 2, 3 and 4 are drafts for information. These will be brought for approval at the 2021 AGM.
Polling papers will be delivered by hand on 29th November to each member’s address. There will be an enclosed envelope for you to seal and return your individual polling paper to the address of Claire Heald for the attention of Dr Kevin Howard who has kindly agreed to be our confidential independent vote counter. The address is on the individual voting paper.
You have been asked to state your name at the top of your voting paper so that Dr Howard can correlate each vote with the membership list. This is private and confidential to Dr Howard only, so I hope this does not cause you any concern. Results will be announced on 18th December by email to each member.
There have been no proposals on any matters which have been submitted to the Committee. Therefore these are not on your voting paper. If you have any questions please email mary-anne.steele@talk21.com or call 07946400257.
Best wishes
Maryanne Steele, Chair, AMRA
5 South Quay,
Oxon, OX14 5TW,