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Newsletter 3 - May 2021

The winner of the photo/calendar competition for May (theme of 'New Life') is Nicola Macpherson from South Quay with this stunning photo of a young cygnet on its mother's back.  The theme for June is 'Flaming June' so please make the most of any sunny days and keep sending in your entries! Please send them to


              (Photo: Nicola Macpherson)

Swan with cygnet.jpeg

Notes from the Chair


We are sending out this interim Newsletter to reassure you that both the general committee and the social committee are waiting anxiously to hear when we can all get together again to have some fun and spend all your membership fees! So, if you haven’t re-joined AMRA yet, please do so and we will welcome you back with open arms just as soon as we are able to see you all again. Meanwhile, we are making some suggestions for the way forward this year.


We are pleased to announce that Laura Johnson has taken over as social secretary. She is a great ideas person so you will enjoy her energy.


Social events coming up 


Summer garden party

Our first date for your diary is July 10th when we hope to hold our annual summer garden party at the Rugby Club from 12 - 3 pm. This is a great venue that will provide us with lots of indoor and outdoor space. 


There will be a welcoming drink of Pimms, followed by a buffet lunch consisting of cold cuts, meat pies, poached salmon, sausage rolls, assorted salads and various other items, followed by strawberries and cream or ice cream. For the young, there will be delights such as hot dogs, lemonade and ice creams and we hope to arrange some entertainment. 


All this is free for members and children but do remember that the bar will be open for you to purchase drinks. If you would like to invite family, friends or maybe a newly arrived neighbour, then the cost to them would be just £5 per head payable on arrival.


The one important request from us is that you please let us know in advance whether you intend to join us and the number of adults and young so that we can cater efficiently for numbers. So please send an e-mail to either Laura or Delia at: or

Racing at Newbury


It is time to treat yourself to an outing - and possibly make some money with a bet or two!  We are thinking of planning two trips to Newbury races this summer but need to find out from members what the level of interest might be. The dates are:


Friday 16th July, 1st race at 2pm - £27.00 per person in the regular stand.


Tuesday 24th August, 1st race 2pm - £119 per person with lunch in The Hennessy Restaurant overlooking the winning line. This price includes a Premier Enclosure Ticket, Champagne & Canapes on arrival, a three Course Fine Dining Meal, After Lunch Fancies, Mineral Water, Race card and Car Parking.


Racing at Newbury    (Photo: Shutterstock)

If you are interested in joining us at either event please e-mail letting her know the date you would like to attend. Given the costs involved individuals would then buy their own tickets and we would arrange a place to meet other AMRA members (and friends).

Food Bank


Abingdon Food Bank is still in need of contributions as ever. They are currently short of puddings (e.g. sponge and ready-made puddings, but not jellies or rice puddings). They also need ready-prepared one-portion meals. Any contributions may be dropped off in the boxes outside Sue Cutler’s house at 8 Marina Way, any time on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings.

Further ideas


The Abbey Cinema just restarted its “silver screen” screenings for some Thursday afternoons, when tickets will be £8. The next two sessions will be on Thursday 17th June at 14.00 for “Nomadland” and then, Thursday June 17th at 1400 for “Father”.


These might be interesting ways to spend an afternoon. And, of course, we do still have the opportunity to book the whole cinema to ourselves providing at least 25 people sign up at £10 per head. Just let Delia know if you are interested

More ideas to follow depending how the summer goes!

Kate Law, Website

Tom Hardy, Newsletter

Linda Gardiner, Member

Claire Heald, Member

Sandra North, Member

Update on the marina weed problem


Nick Newham and Delia Evans visited Gary (the marina manager) recently to discuss the possible ongoing problem of the weed which we experienced last summer. The three types of weed which we have here are:

  1. duck weed which are the small leaflets which float on the top of the water and are enjoyed by the ducks.

  2. blanket weed which is the worst of the three but has value in that it floats on the surface shielding the bottom-growing weed from the sun and thus discouraging growth.

  3. Canadian pond weed growing from the bottom which caused most of the problem last year. This was chopped and removed by a company brought in by Builders Ede last autumn. The value of this weed is that it releases oxygen from those flat leaves and improves the clarity of the water.

Gary assured us that he will be keeping a watchful eye on the weeds as they start growing this year. It is not worth taking action until we can see a problem on the surface of the water and he feels that, at present, the water is remarkably clean and healthy. If anything needs to be done, it will most likely be dealt with in September.


Note on the slipway

Gary wanted to warn us that a part of the slipway which goes under the water is broken and needs repair. At the moment, it is only suitable for small boats up to 21ft. The other work to be done around the marina this year is trimming back trees on the island side of the channel and also, some pollarding of trees in the nature reserve itself.


Membership reminder

Membership of AMRA costs £12 per person per year, and this becomes due in April of each year. The annual subscription can be paid by BACS to AMRA’s account number 13656950, sort code 20-01-09. Please use the payment reference to show your address and name. Anyone needing more information should contact our Membership Secretary, Martin Cutler, on Alternatively, please feel free to write a cheque payable to AMRA, and to deliver it to Martin Cutler at 8 Marina Way. Please complete the following details with your cheque:




e-mail address:………………………………..

phone number………………………………….


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