Newsletter 6 - July 2021
The July competition is now closed with some wonderful photos of Historical Abingdon.
Here are the winners.
The August competition is open so please send your entries to katelaw16@yahoo.com.
The theme for August is ‘Fun on the Water’. Keep a look out for paddle boarding dogs (and humans), rowers, swimmers, etc!
Photos should be taken in the Abingdon area and must be landscape format. Those taken on mobile phones will be fine as long as you submit an original or full copy via email. So take your mobile or camera with you on your next walk and you may be our next winner!
Finally, if you have any nice photos taken in December 2020 then please send them to
Kate. Good luck,
Sandra North
Claire Heald Kate Law

Second Place:
Mike Evans
Abingdon Alms Houses in the Shadows
AMRA Summer Party - Saturday
28th August, from 12:30 pm
We apologise for the mix up over the date for
the summer party this year. There was a
typing error in the Newsletter and then we
discovered that another party had been
planned on the marina for the 21st so we
quickly rang the Rugby Club and changed the
date to the 28th. Sorry about that: it won’t
happen again! We usually hold our summer
party at the end of July.
Anyway, it is all systems go now for the 28th
August and I know that the social committee
are working hard to make it a special day. So
please join us all for a Pimms before lunch
which will be served at 1.00 pm. I look forward
to seeing you there.
Delia Evans
Abingdon Bridge
Oxfordshire County Council have asked for
comments regarding the traffic lights at the
approaches to Abingdon Bridge. The link is
here if you wish to have your say:
https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/abingdon- bridge?tool=survey_tool#tool_tab

First Place: Sandra North
The Iconic Abingdon County Hall

Third Place:
Claire Heald
Flowers at the Slipway
Abingdon Food Bank
May we remind you about our donations to
the food bank each week. All contributions
can be left in the boxes outside 8 Marina
Way, and then Sue Cutler kindly takes them
to the food bank on Wednesdays.
Anything which you care to leave is always
appreciated, even empty egg boxes and
plastic carrier bags, but there is a particular
need for individual size portions for people
living on their own and also for tinned fruit
and puddings .
There was a radio programme on the
Trussell Trust during the week which spoke
of the continuing need for food banks even
though the lockdown seems to be easing.
This may be due to more people now being
made redundant, which is a worrying