Upcoming Planned Social Events

Note: This is for the moment simply a place holder, as far as I know none of the events shown here are currently active.
Zoom Quizzes, Coffee Mornings, Afternoon Tea, Wine and Conversation
Just download the Zoom App onto your iPad, smartphone, computer or lap top and click onto the link that will be sent to you all weekly. Any problems email AMRACV2020@gmail.com or ring 07943260074
Friday Night Quizzes
Fancy putting your general knowledge to the test? Exercising those little grey cells during
lockdown? Then join us fortnightly for the AMRA quiz on Friday evenings at 7.30 pm starting Friday 22nd May. Pour a glass or cup of your favorite tipple and join us from the comfort of your home via ZOOM. No prior experience is necessary either of quizzes or ZOOM. And if you would like to ask the questions then let us know by emailing and we will add you to our list of expert Quiz Masters.
Zoom Café
Weekly Coffee Mornings commencing Tuesday 26th May 10 morning for all members so dial in and meet old friends and make some new ones. Just download the Zoom App and click onto the link that will be sent to you all weekly.
Mask Making
This is a very clever way to make an efficient face mask at home
Keep the link as you will want to refer to it several times. Watch the video before you start, write down the different size measurements given at the end of the instructions. It helps to make this on your ironing board, keeping a warm iron handy.